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Personalized Learning- part 2

A Personalized learning approach combines the learners’ knowledge and experience with learning methods to help them learn faster, grasp new concepts better, and improve their learning performance.

Modern methods have improved, and personalized learning, which has been digitized using digital learning infrastructure.

Organizations need to utilize a variety of digital solutions in order to do this. These could include communication channels (e.g. Slack, AI technologies (e.g. Machine learning and automation, data analysis, e-learning platforms, and cloud services, as well as mobile technologies.)

These solutions and tools will help institutions understand students’ learning processes and better comprehend what they are being taught. Artificial intelligence is advancing on a daily basis. It’s making life easier across all spheres through the use of recommended features. AI will bring a new age

of education. Students will be able to receive personalized, customized

education that helps them better understand the material they’re being taught.

Data and AI (machine learning) are the two most important components of a personalized learning program.

An organization can use data to teach AI patterns and make connections between information. Then, the user will receive the right information.

Case study:

Similar to how Netflix’s “recommended for You” section works, the algorithm that

analyzes what you have seen previously and determines which content is recommended. This is applicable to learning by allowing learners to queue up learning content that is specific to their needs and roles, helping to identify and

prevent skills gaps.

Flexible Learning Paths

Each person learns differently and has different levels of knowledge. A company that follows a rigid learning path may have information repeated or not deliver the

necessary information. This can lead to disengagement. The flexible learning path allows the learner to receive information that is tailored specifically for them using technology. The learner is given the information they need, but it is not necessary to know the details. Advanced content is available to advanced learners.

These tools will help you learn from your own experiences.


Similar to how Tiktok’s “For you page (FYP)” section displays content based on what you’ve enjoyed in the past, recommendations can be used seamlessly to queue up learning content that is specific to each learner’s role and needs.

Artificial Intelligence Assistant

An AI assistant allows instructors to focus on the learning needs of individual students by taking over curation and recommendation. An AI assistant

can learn from the learner’s data including their skills and learning path and

provide suggestions for what they should do next.

Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Natural language processing can help make information searches more efficient, quicker, and more precise. Learners can use NLP to search for exactly what they are looking for, in text or video. They can also find the answers they seek to any questions they may have.

Mastery-based learning

The current educational system has a frustrating aspect: it is obsessed with standards. Every student must learn the same thing in the exact same way every time. Otherwise, they will fail. However, things don’t always work this way. Every student is unique in their learning abilities, interests and progress. Standardized education cannot meet all students’ requirements. It can only force them to do things a certain way. This creates a fertile soil for widening the learning gap. Teachers should be teaching for mastery and not just for passing tests. After proving their ability to master the basics, students shouldn’t be able to move on and learn more advanced topics unless they have grasped the basics. This builds knowledge and makes it less likely that they will drop out. Teachers may

find it difficult to implement this approach considering the high standards

they must meet. However, the right tools can help. A school learning management system (LMS), for example, that is mastery-based allows educators to create rules to show or hide learning content to students based upon their past

activities and results. You don’t have to abandon the standards.

What tools are used?

Video learning

People turn to the internet for answers as soon as they are able to type. Students make no exception. Students can find the right video to help them understand a

topic or learn more about it. Video has been the safest way to communicate

with classmates during school hours. Video is preferred by many students over reading and listening. Video has been used in a lot of ways to teach. This method maximizes the time that students and teachers spend in the classroom. Teachers can ask questions and discuss more difficult concepts if students view the video lesson prior to class. It is easy to create a video. Most of the work is done by current video technology. Even better, students can participate in the process after everyone has returned to the classroom. They can even lead it. Teachers should be open to the possibility of green screens as a cost-effective option.

Immersive Learning

Research shows that students learn the best when they are immersed in a subject. Immersive learning technologies are a great way to do this. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are the most well-known, but Mixed Reality (360deg photos and videos), 3D simulations, and Mixed Reality are also popular. These technologies offer the most interactivity of any EdTech and are loved by students of all ages. Even though the initial costs are still prohibitive, things are changing. Curious to find out if they are any plans to produce VR headsets made in Africa for educational institutions?


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By, Lilian Kawira & Khal Saleita

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